Featured Member of the Month: Rod Schichtel

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Rod has been coming to Easton since Thanksgiving 2014 and became a member on his first visit, as he fell in love with Easton. Rod donated the decorations- tablecloths, napkins and cloth and made the dining room regal and festive for Easton's 18th Anniversary Event which we celebrated Memorial Day weekend. Rod explained, “I did it because I love Easton Mountain because whenever I visit Easton I step into a higher truer version of myself. It helps me to expand that into the rest of my life.” Rod's jewelry, which he designs himself is also sold in the Easton Gift Shop, funded a number of improvement projects at Easton including the purchase of new recycling receptacles for all the Guesthouse rooms. Any sales of Rod's jewelry from the Easton Gift Shop will go towards funding a new cabin on the property.

Become a Member of Easton Mountain today! 

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